#30x30Challenge 30 minutes In My Okanagan Backyard

posted in: Mindfulness 6

I’ve joined David Suzuki’s #30x30Challenge. I’m onboard to spend 30 minutes a day in nature for the month of May.


View of Okanagan Lake from the top of the mountain behind my home.

It’s not a stretch for me as I walk or run with my dogs every single morning on the mountain behind my home for approximately 1/2 an hour.

Shooting Star


Woodland Star

I wanted to join the challenge to share in the belief that spending time in nature every single day is not simply a nice idea but a necessity for all human beings. Our historical genetics come form tree-dwelling apes; we cannot shake that side of our physiology. We need to be in the forest and fields, far away from concrete cities. The aromas coming from all the plant life reach our brain. The sounds from the birds and other creatures also reach our brain. Our entire body responds to this stimuli and we are healthier and happier humans.

Saskatoon Berry Blossoms (this variety are seemingly tasteless and only the deer and birds love to eat them).




I am never happier or more content than when I am in the forest. The ponderosa alpine forest behind my home is my private paradise. I took a walk this weekend with my darling pug Fernando and brought a camera. I captured some of the spring flowers in bloom along our path.

Figwort: Red Paintbrush


I hope you enjoy a walk in the month of May in my beautiful back yard...

Balsam Root–my favourite flower.
Oregon Grapes

 * Check back for more incredible nature updates as I leave for 10 days immersed deep in the Jungle of Costa Rica in just over a week’s time!

6 Responses

  1. Sandra Hart
    | Reply

    Lovely pictures!

  2. mixhartMix Hart
    | Reply

    Thank-you S. Many more flowers still to bloom. I am waiting for the chocolate lilies and orchids–so beautiful.

  3. Betty Arthur
    | Reply

    you take wonderful pictures! Makes me know that spring will come, although it hasn’t come here yet. I am glad to take the walk with you!

    • Mix Hart
      | Reply

      Thank-you Betty, I hope spring comes soon to the prairie!

  4. Johan Dooyeweerd
    | Reply

    Gorgeous photographs. Today’s cameras help, but cannot in themselves see the beauty in these images of nature. Well done Melissa!

    • Mix Hart
      | Reply

      Thank you Joop! I admit, there is something very satisfying about trying to capture their fleeting beauty with a camera.

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