Anaeho’omalu Bay

posted in: Travel, U.S.A. 2
We have arrived at our new condo–very spacious with two bedrooms. We walked and walked last evening until we found this bay, “A-Bay.” The lovely honu was resting on the shore. Today we are heading up the mountain to visit T and family. We are all going to Hilo market, a volcano park and snorkeling in a few natural pools. Hopefully the bush fire is out. Yesterday there was no route up to T’s place as the fire blocked the road.
I had the best snorkel yesterday. I swam with a beautiful sea turtle and saw this strange fish: chartreuse green, about three feet long, thin like a snake with a long needle nose and a long thin spike of a tail. I also saw so many big, fat dog-face polka-dot fish.
The wind seems calmer today. It has been unusually windy on the big island these past few weeks. Saw more whales jumping too–the humpbacks are having babies and mating again. And saw my first mongoose darting about the resort grounds. The dreadful Euro/Americans brought them over to kill all the island’s snakes. They did it. No snakes left . And now the island is overrun with Mongooses(sp?) and very few birds as the mongeese (sp?) eat their eggs.

2 Responses

  1. Miranda
    | Reply


    PIcs of the condo?

  2. Melissa Mix Hart
    | Reply

    I’ll post condo pics soon–but they pale in comparison to my nature photos.

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