Bathing Fernando

posted in: Photo-Poet 0

Could he get any cuter? That’s my Fernando. Washed his bed, washed him. He seems less itchy. Let us hope his hair stops falling out. I love my dog. Still working on adopting a little bro or sis for him ๐Ÿ™‚

Paper work today. Applications galore.

On Sunday I had a dilemma: 2 ZumbAtomics classes to teach at the same time, different locations. I tried to remedy the problem but because of lack of communication between staff members, I cancelled a class and the other one turned out to be not my thing. Thus no Monday classes, just like that! ๐Ÿ™
The ‘not my thing’ happened because they failed at advertising and instead of getting eager dancers in the 8-12 age group, I received after-school-program kids that didn’t sign up to dance, all aged 7–a few of them quite reluctant little dancers. My age limit to teach dancing is 8. Any younger and it is too much like being a nanny. Live and learn. Teaching 8-12 is perfect as the kids can really groove and are so eager to learn cool moves.
I have an audition on the 26th to see if I can teach at a new gym coming to Kelowna. I really want to teach more adult classes. I love all of the sexy dances that you can’t do with kids. Except of course, my kids, they dance to everything with me:)

Tomorrow night I am going to see Alex Cuba perform! Excited! The preshow is Cuban music and Cuban food. I’ve only ever seen him perform on video so in the flesh should be a real treat!

Three piano lesson tonight for my gals.
Must go forth now and conquer my day. Up first: an hour of dance and 15 minutes of Tony (ab work out).

***Thank-you all of my dear readers and friends for your generous support. I am so grateful for my dedicated voters from home and around the globe ๐Ÿ™‚
ย Competition is stiff, but I can do it with your support!
btw, if you haven’t voted for me today yet, please press the ‘Top 25 Circle of Moms’ button up and to your left. Then scroll down until you seeย Modernista Mamaย and vote. Thank-you so very much my friends ๐Ÿ™‚

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