Beans and Rice, Ain’t that Nice!

posted in: Asia, Travel 2

Happy Anniversary!
Beans and rice, ain’t that nice, happy anniversary! Yes, we are celebrating 18 years of marriage today. Not a bad place to celebrate in.
Forgive the vanity shots. I had to put some in—and it is our anniversary after all 😉
This is no place for serious vanity though—I have a red, shiny face and wild, uncontrollable hair at all times. No makeup possible and why wash one’s hair? It only gets filled with salt water, sweat and sunscreen all day long. My face is pink with humidity and heat and wet with sweat and sunscreen at all times. My hair is getting more bleached from the sun and salt water. I pile it on top of my head for snorkeling and to keep it off my sweaty neck. I fear my head looks like a cherry with a dollop of whip cream on top.
One thing that is unique about the Perhentian’s and Taman Negara is that in the night when I have to get up to use the washroom, I like to turn on the light because I am nervous a snake has crawled in the room and may surprise me in the dark. Last night I made record-breaking bathroom trips—I ate some Diavolo pizza for supper—filled with diablo peppers. I had to drink several liters of water to cool down my mouth!
Our room is always home to many geckos chirping away. And bats and monitor lizards roam our front garden—so one must be careful in the dark!
We take the boat back to the mainland tomorrow morning and then on the Penang in a Banana Van. Seriously, the fleet of minivan taxis are called Banana vans.
Will take it easy—I want one day not filled with terrifying activities!

2 Responses

  1. Johan
    | Reply

    Those two love birds… Must be those Malaysian islands that makes you wanna kiss all the time.

    A few of us are showing minute signs of envy. Minute, mind you.

    Enjoy your time and each other.

  2. Melissa Mix Hart
    | Reply

    Thanks Joop–there is nothing like the Perhentians!

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