Lavender Birds

posted in: Mindfulness, Photo-Poet 2

 Lavender Birds of British Columbia

Musings…By Mix Hart

Early in the morning, before I let the dogs out, and if I am very quiet, I slip into my back yard and watch the birds who feed in the lavender. The birds are exquisitely coloured in yellow, orange and red, amongst the lavender buds. I have traditional purple/blue lavender but I also have a few white lavender bushes. The birds are finches and they’re quite timid. I must keep still or they fly away.

Musings…By Mix Hart

There are actually five birds hidden in the lavender above. Can you spot them all? What appears to be a red blob in the far right corner turns into something quite magnificent on magnification (see pic below).

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Musings…By Mix Hart

Look at the gorgeous little scarlet finch hiding in the lavender!

Goldfinch and orange-faced finch with female finch in lavender.: Musings…By Mix Hart

I have included many photographs because each one is a canvas on its own and I thought together they make a nice collection. I can’t help but relax when I view the photos. It’s almost like being in my backyard in person.

I hope you enjoy this photo essay of the beautiful birds that visit my lavender garden in the early morning hours.

Musings…By Mix Hart

This beautiful girl is perfectly camouflaged amongst the lavender.

Musings..By Mix Hart

A beautiful fiery orange-faced finch is on alert in the sumac tree.

Musings…By Mix Hart

A scarlet finch poses amongst the red branches of a sumac tree.

Musings…By Mix Hart

A female is at the top of the pic with a red male on the left and goldfinch male on the right.

Musings…By Mix Hart

2 goldfinches, a scarlet finch and a camouflaged lavender/grey female finch.

Musings…By Mix Hart

A Goldfinch

Musings…By Mix Hart

Honey Bee in Lavender

Musings…By Mix Hart

Goldfinch Male and Female Finch

My lavender garden is quite large and wild and frequented by many bees, birds and butterflies. Nearly all yards in Canada are not wildlife friendly. The lavender garden is one small way that I can give something back to a few of the wild creatures on my mountain. *There are also hummingbirds in my garden but they are far too shy and quick for my camera.

2 Responses

  1. Sandra Hart
    | Reply

    Lovely pictures of beautiful birds.

  2. Mix Hart
    | Reply

    Thank you S.

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