Gaudi Gumdrops!

posted in: Europe, Travel 0
***Note: I have changed the title of my blog from Buddha Mama to Modernista Mama. It better reflects the content of my blog as my blog includes all that is me (which includes following Buddhist philosophy)   
-Much happiness 🙂

Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Gaudi who?
Gaudi gumdrops, there’s more Gaudi!
PARC GUELL (1900)  Barcelona, Spain
Entrance to Parc Guell–commissioned by Count Guell. 3 km of paths and roads created by Gaudi, including two gatehouses and numerous sculptures.

I am finding being a SSL (Spanish as a second language learner) to be challenging. I find myself saying “Si” to everything when I don’t quite understand. In a department store recently, the sales woman rambled on and on and I nodded and said “Si” thinking she was going to find me a fitting room. She then snatched all my items and began to ring them up. I have to reign in my “Si, Si’s!”
Two of the Gaudi gate houses behind me. It was a very HOT day to attempt Parc Guell. This parc is featured in Woody Allen’s film, Vicky Cristina Barcelona. Interestingly, our hotel is situated at the metro stop named Maria Cristina. It is always pleasant to come home each evening and disembark at Maria Cristina.
Me at Parc Guell.
View of Barcelona from hill at Parc Guell.
Behind Peter, high on a separate hill over Barcelona is the Les Tres Creus (three crosses). We climb to the top of this hill later in the blog…
That’s me climbing to the top of Les Tres Creus.
At the tippy-top of Les Tes Creus, overlooking Barceona.
Les Tres Creus.

Peter at Parc Guell with a castle like church in the background on Tibidabo Mountain.
A home within Parc Guell.
Serpent like walkway by Gaudi.
Serpent walkway.
Sala Hipostial: a 88 pillar “forest” designed to be used as a market place.
A gatekeeper home at the parc.

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