Love Letters & Day Planners

posted in: Mindfulness, Motherhood 0

Photo 1395 - Version 2

Perhaps it is because I am a writer that all my daughters like to write; or maybe its because our most profound thoughts come to us when we are alone, quiet and still and there is no one near to tell them to so we write them down.

My youngest daughter Pippi left me a beautiful letter last month. I found it one morning while browsing through my day planner. She’d written the letter on a page in my day planner. See letter below:


A few weeks later, I was working late in the evening at the kitchen table. Pippi often has trouble falling asleep and I knew it was her bare feet making their way down the hall toward the kitchen. She came into the kitchen and asked for a cold drink. She sat at the kitchen table as I got up and filled a glass of ice water for her. I handed her the water and she walked slowly back to bedroom with the glass. I got back to work.

Once she was back in her bedroom she shouted to me, “Look at your day planner!” On a page in my day planner she’d found the time to write this short note:


It reads: Can you rigt (write) me a letter. I love to read.

I wrote to her then, at that moment, and brought the letter into her room for her to read.

This is the letter below:


What is a day planner if not a vessel for holding love letters?

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