Ninja School Audition Tape

posted in: Motherhood 0

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Playing with your kids is important: their games, their rules. The time they actually really want you to play with them is fleeting. So let your inner coolness vanish, jump in with both feet and be the dork you’re meant to be–play hard!

Pip has decided she wants to be a Ninja when she grows up. She wants to move to Japan with me and start mother & daughter Ninja training school. I’m actually thinking that would be fantastic fun!

Pip pre-planned our entire Saturday. She decided our first activity was to be guitar practice. She wanted me to hold her sheet music and point to the notes as she played (I was game for this as she often hates practicing her music). Our next activity was to make a Ninja video. The video included costumes and make-up.

I spent a large part of my day playing with my youngest, Pip. My eldest girls don’t often ask me to play things with them anymore. Though, we do other things together: sports, games, coffee dates etc. Thus, I know how fleeting those times are when your child really wants you to be full on engaged in play with them. I don’t take that time for granted. When Pip asks me to play with her, I admit, coolness flies out the window and I jump in with both feet (Not Pip though, Pip was born cool). Case in point: The video below.

I hope you enjoy Pip’s video. She’s the star and I’m the side kick along with the dogs. I debated showing this video as it exposes me at my most dorky. But Pip is adorable so I shall sacrifice the small amount of pride I have and post it. I do it all for love.

Pip’s so funny…as soon as the video was wrapped up and we’d uploaded it on to You Tube, she announces, “Now there are only three more things we have to play together today.”

–yes, she keeps my weekends busy!


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