The Reincarnation of Boo

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What Happens Inside a Secret Ghost Making Laboratory:

Ghost Engineers work deep into the dark night…
Will they be ready in time for Halloween?
Nearly Complete…
Our lovely Ghost Babies must now dry over night…

Miranda and her gals and me and my gals created ghosts today to hang outside tomorrow night for Halloween. The ghosts were created with cheese cloth, a balloon and corn starch. It was a busy day of decorating and carving pumpkins. 
I am excited to be bringing Auntie Griselda up from the basement to stand on our balcony. I hope I can find her shoes! Mistaya has borrowed them off and on all year (they are exact replicas of the boots The Beatles wore in the 1960’s. I bought them at Harrods in London UK in the late 1980’s–when I worked there 🙂

Saturday night started out rather well, we (Mist and I) made homemade sushi for supper last night. It was incredibly delicious sushi. We made a whole bunch of fillings so everyone could create their own signature sushi roll: baked yam, chicken terriaki, green pepper, carrots, cucumber. I am allergic to sea food so no fish allowed! After supper I took the girls to a movie down town.
We returned from the movie Puss in Boots (I love that cat) at 9:30 . That is when the pain suddenly started for Peter. 
This is where the night went down hill… I was up all night, yet again. This time it was a trip to the emergency room with Peter at midnight. He was in unbelievable pain (back and side) and vomiting. I tried to encourage him to chant through it  (chanting got me through labour) but he refused. The doctors think it was a kidney stone. They gave him morphine and released him at 2:30 a.m.

And speaking of Puss in Boots, I need to get a cat. This is the first time in my entire life I have lived without a kitty cat to love. And I truly miss cat kisses and cuddles. I am afraid to adopt one for fear it will smell all of the spots where our last (mentally unbalanced) cat Silver peed (on our leather sofa regularly :P). But oh, how I long for another cat in my life. 

***btw, if you haven’t voted for me today yet, please press the ‘Top 25 Circle of Moms’ button up and to your left. Then scroll down until you seeModernista Mama and vote. Thank-you so very much my friends 🙂

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