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Pippi Graduates


My youngest daughter, Pippi, graduated from high school this June. She graduated with an A+ average and won a School District award for Excellence in Fine Arts. Our city in British Columbia has... Read More

Queen Medb’s Message


Queen Medb’s Message to Me  One of my most cherished experiences in Ireland happened during my visit to County Sligo, a region to which I have ancestral ties. County Sligo holds particular significance... Read More

Hell Cave: The Birth Place of Halloween


Oweynagat (Cat Cave) Birth place of Samhain (Halloween) Contae Shligigh (County Sligo), Eire (Ireland) In my quest to unearth the secrets of my ancestors and the ancient Gaelic rainforest peoples, I find myself inexorably... Read More

The Harts of Tara, Ireland


The Harts of Tara, Ireland Rematriate: to restore a people to their rightful place in sacred relationship with their ancestral land and life ways. Tara, where it all started… I am an Irish... Read More