Hell Cave: The Birth Place of Halloween

Oweynagat (Cat Cave) Birth place of Samhain (Halloween) Contae Shligigh (County Sligo), Eire (Ireland) In my quest to unearth the secrets of my ancestors and the ancient Gaelic rainforest peoples, I find myself inexorably drawn to the timeless beauty and mystique … Read More

Ancient Trackways: Rainforest Peoples

Ancient Trackways: Rainforest Peoples This is the third instalment in my journey to trace my ancient trackways. I share my journey as I explore the wild scapes that have shaped who I am and have left traces in my DNA memory. … Read More

Gender, Race, and Religion

  Gender, race, and religion are human-invented constructs designed to divide humanity, oppress the masses, and reward elitist bullies. I acknowledge that I live in an anthropocentric, patriarchal, and racist society. I do not feel safe living in an unjust … Read More

Wild Okanagan Love

posted in: Canada, Motherhood, Travel 0

  Wild Okanagan Love The Okanagan region of Canada is spectacularly beautiful all year long but in the spring it is truly paradise. Above and below:  Ponderosa flowers I had a beautiful Mother’s Day. Peter, my youngest daughters, Mitchell (Tabs’ … Read More

Forty Thousand Feet Over Tennessee

posted in: Motherhood, Travel, U.S.A. 0

Forty Thousand Feet Over Tennessee How I ended up at Parnassus Books, in Nashville, with a signed copy of Ann Patchett’s new book, “The Dutch House,” is a tale I haven’t fully figured out. All I know is that the … Read More

Rise Up! The World Is Yours to Explore

posted in: Feminism, Motherhood 2

Rise Up! The World Is Yours to Explore Tabitha (my middle daughter) graduates from high school this month (KSS, Kelowna Secondary School ). She is also fondly known as Tabs, Tabby Cat, Tabsaroni and Sparkle Plenty (and a few more, but … Read More

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