Fleur De Sel

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Shopping with Mist and Tabs. Tabs and I collapse in Chapters while Mistaya pays for her latest book series craze: “The Uglies.”
Coming home for daycare with Pip–look closely, Fernando is stashed in the front of my coat.
So much to tell…Mistaya has a call back for the school play–A Midsummer Night’s Dream. She attended a social justice conference today and LOVED it. She’s arrived home with info on racism, sexism etc. I am so proud of her! She is a very active, social and ambitious little gal.
Tabs had piano tonight and soon Peter and I need to go for Parent & Teacher interviews. Tabs is so hilarious, she wrote to a city counsellor at school–Michelle Rule–so Michelle decided to visit her class. Tabs is so impressed she’s announced that Michelle has grey hair and that she(Tabs) will never dye her hair–she’ll let her hair go grey like Michelle’s–whatever! Tabs has these careers in mind for herself: singer, dancer, prof soccer player, cancer researcher.
Pip wore a pink tulle dress today and called herself “Sleeping Beauty” all day. She enjoyed daycare this AM. I picked her up with Fernando stashed inside the front of my coat–he licked my face the whole walk.
Peter arrived home from Vancouver late last night and will fly back tomorrow AM–revolving door.
I have Pip’s party to prepare for on Sunday, an all day class Saturday, and I leave for a Vancouver weekend on next Friday. I also noticed a Grad social at UBCO pub on Wednesday, which is a music trivia night with prizes etc. I will see if some of my class mates want to be on a team with me–sounds fun. Oh, Sunday night must meet my group to plan our presentation for class. It is going to be a crazy presentation: we are spoofing TED talks. We’ll film ourselves presenting as eccentric intellectuals.
Taking Fernando to the Vet tomorrow for his 2nd vaccs.
Still have chest cold–not working out–leaves me feeling desperate! I need to push myself physically hard everyday to feel zen.
Hey, my good friend Dr. Fuzzy-Buzzy has out done me on facebook–she’s got more friends than me!
And life is strange!!! Somehow, my thesis idea (learning practices of writing online–which developed out of my love for blogging) and Peter’s thesis (knowledge comprehension of online reading and how online reading tools enhance the online scholarly research environment) stumbled into each other! Who would have ever thought that we could meet somewhere in academia? We have such different backgrounds! Me creative writing/art and Peter technology and teaching/learning.
Oh, and for all you foodies/chocoholics out there:
Lindt Excellence-Fleur De Sel, definately worth a taste. Nice with a cup of black tea.
Now, to turn you off your chocolate. While I have been attempting to post this, Fernando pooped beside me and ran through it, spreading it all over the living room. And as I tried to clean it, he ran through it a few more times, playfully grabbing the paper towel chewing on it and trying to run away with it. Finally I stuffed him in his kennel and when I let him out, he dragged the newspaper bottom out with him and ran all over, while eating bits of it! Argh!

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