Mistaya and Monty

posted in: Motherhood 2

Just returned from Mistaya’s band concert at her school. She plays the bass clarinet. She has played ‘Monty’ for four years. She is very talented and has amazing lung power.

I taught ZumbAtomics for the Boys & Girls Club tonight with Tabs. The participants were very eager. There is always one or two students that has had a hard day or perhaps week. You just know that to come to dance for one hour really lifts their little spirits. I feel good that I can be the teacher that smiles at them and compliments them for one hour every time they come to my class. One of my students has Down Syndrome and she is such a darling to teach. She gives it her all and enjoys every minute of the class. She melts my heart.

Tomorrow I make gingerbread houses with Pippi and her kindergarten class.

Had a difficult time at supper tonight. Peter was working late so I alone had to deal with two little girls who refused to even try one spoonful of my Moroccan Carrot Soup or one bite of my lettuce/beet/ radish and feta salad. I refused to let either Pip or Tabs leave the table until they at least tried one spoonful of soup. They were stubborn and naughty in their own ways. Pip bolted from the room and hid. Tabs arranged the kitchen chairs into a long bench and lay down for the night.
After I captured Pippi, they eventually tried the soup, one by one. Pip gagged, and spit it all out. Tabs waited me out another fifteen minutes before succumbing to a spoonful…or not…she gagged, she spit. Damn and it was REALLY delicious soup–my favorite homemade soup I make with sauteed onion, carrots and cumin. I simmer the veggies in vegetable broth and puree the works.
My rule is that if they refuse supper, they must only eat fruit or veggies for the rest of the night.
But alas, I had to go out to Mist’s concert with their dad. So, who really knows what they actually ate tonight. They were both up when we arrived home at 9:30: Tabs in my bed on my computer and a naked Pip wondering the house. Tabs was supposed to have put her to bed at seven. Oh well, the house is quiet now and everyone nestled in their beds. Sweet dreams.

2 Responses

  1. theresa_hart
    | Reply

    Mist looks most elegant with Monty.

  2. Mix Hart
    | Reply

    Yes, I agree, the little darling and Monty make an elegant couple 🙂

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