Mistaya’s Magical Prom Night

posted in: Feminism, Motherhood 2
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Photo by Mountain West Studios

Mistaya graduated from high school this past weekend.


Mistaya is the 5th graduate from the front.

Mistaya finished her exams, attended her semi-formal prom, her formal prom and finally her graduation ceremony. Despite the teachers being on strike, the ceremony went off without a hitch. Vice principals and principles of middle schools and elementary schools from around the district came to lend a helping hand for the evening.

Mistaya’s school picture as it was projected on the wall during the grad ceremony–her last name was included too but I’ve hidden it for her privacy.

The final graduation ceremony was very long even though they divided the graduates into 2 groups and two separate ceremonies determined by alphabetical order (KSS is a big high school). It was bittersweet to see my baby girl walk across the stage. She is a stunning example of everything I’d ever want a young woman to be; yet, I already miss the wonder years of being Mommy to the adorable, cherubesque baby Mistaya and darling, long-legged, inquisitive, little girl Misty. Unexpectedly, I found myself close to tears throughout the ceremony. The love I have for my girl (s) is overwhelming at times.

Hats off! She has officially graduated! Mistaya is in the front of the stairs, in the middle of the photo. Her hand is reaching for her hat.

Peter and I are proud of Mistaya for the young woman she has become. She is intelligent, creative, courageous, kind, wise, cultured, sophisticated, adventurous and social—to a name a few of her qualities. As her mother, I can honestly say that she was born social, kind and elegant.

Her sister Tabs and friend Mak help Mistaya spray paint her grad shoes silver before prom.

She was the baby who ate her food elegantly and pointed out any mess on her high chair immediately for her parents to tidy up (for some reason the tidy trait did not carry over to teenage bedroom tidiness!). Even before she could talk, she’d “baby chat” with fellow playmates in her own language to negotiate toy sharing—she was never one to snatch and grab. She has been the trail blazer for her two younger sisters who both adore her.

A trip to the hairdresser to look glam for prom.

One of Mistaya’s most admirable traits is the ease in which she enjoys the company of others. She doesn’t need to be the best, or the centre of attention, to thoroughly enjoy any activity—she simply loves to be a part of a social group and have fun.

Mistaya is ready for prom. Her dress is by Alyce of Paris.
Tabitha, doing some last minute crinoline adjustments under Mistaya’s skirt.
A rear view of Mistaya in her prom dress.

Offending Mistaya is nearly impossible. She lets any slights from others slide right off her back. She’s never one to carry a grudge or let another’s behaviour effect her self esteem. She is also humble and not one to ever brag. She took nearly all AP (advanced placement classes) this year. She’ll seem to effortlessly pull off A grades and no one will know of it until her report card comes home.

Mistaya with her sisters Tabs and Pip and cousins, Artemis and Nem.
Her prom date has arrived, Mistaya and Denzel.
Mistaya with Denzel and his best friend, Ayo.
The sisters and cousins (adorably, they are completely smitten by the glamorous event and the handsome young men accompanying Mistaya).

She has a special gift for math (although she claims to find it boring). She confided in me when she was in middle school that she sees numbers in colours and shapes and that she organizes numbers into patterns with colours and shapes in her brain. Also, she often writes her high school notes backwards (each letter backwards and also each word spelled completely backwards). When friends would ask to borrow her class notes on occasion, they’d be like, “What language is this? I can’t read this!” She told me she did it because she was bored.

My mom and I and the little gals all waiting for Mistaya and her date to arrive for the formal graduation walk along the promenade to the Grand Hotel Ballroom.
Finally, Mistaya arrives. Peter and I with our eldest daughter (and star of prom night).
Three generations: Sandra (my mom), me and Mistaya.

She is also a major music lover. David Bowie has been a huge inspiration to her. She plays the piano, guitar and base clarinet. Although Mistaya denies it, she has a gift for languages too. She studied French and Japanese.

Mistaya with Pip and Artemis.

She loves the water—every since she was a babe. If she was ever upset as a baby, I’d fill the bath and let her splash around. She completed her life guard and water park-life guard certification this past year.

Denzel and Mistaya.
Mistaya and Denzel with friends.

Next year I will again have my girl close to home as she is attending UBC Okanagan with a major in sciences. She is undecided as to her final career goal but she is only 17 and will have time to figure it out.

Mistaya and her good friend Connor embrace in greeting.

I could go on about Mistaya and how beautiful she is in every way. However, instead, I will let you browse through a short photo essay of her grade twelve graduation events.

Mistaya and a few of her lovely friends.  Her dear friend Erica is in the lovely Grecian-style dress with the stunning pink hued hair style.
Beautiful young women.


Congratulations Mistaya, you are amazing. Raising you has been the greatest gift.
The prom promenade walk begins…
My Mistaya…

2 Responses

  1. Sandra Hart
    | Reply

    I agree,she is exceptional! Congratulations Mistaya.

    • Mix Hart
      | Reply

      Mistaya sends her thanks to Gran xo

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