Peter Not-Pizzaface

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This is one of my the basic ideas for the cover of my junior fiction novel. I have to get a cover together as I am possibly going to publishing it as an ebook first. I’m going to photoshop the whole thing again–possibly using a cougar portrait that I have 1/2 painted–I will have to finish that in a few days if I want to use it. I want to change the  title and name fonts, sizes, colours, perhaps get rid of the kid! So this will be my project for a few days. There are 3 books in the Not-Pizzaface series. They are fantasy/adventure novels (with a little comedy thrown in) that take place in the thrilling British Columbia wilderness. I love writing them. I’ve finished book number 2 and have started the third. Though, I move on to butchering my fiction novel for adults as soon as the above book is published.

Back from a month of travel! I love to travel but sometimes it feels good to get back and be able to tackle the work projects I have been dying to start since I graduated this spring. Now, all I want to do is write, write and write. Fiction, some free lance and writing for other blogs for $. I need to put my travelling to some use–I have some leads for writing professionally for a travel blog. I’d also like to earn income from this dear blog. AdSense is the worst company I have ever dealt with. It is like they are all dead behind the computer. No one responds to messages, emails, or snail mail (sent to their offices in California!)–they freeze one’s account for no reason and refuse to respond for 4 years. If I could pull the plug and shut the entire AdSense down I would. Though, I suspect that there is actually no one working for them anyway and they do not exist other than in name. BOYCOTT ADSENSE!

A month of French pastries in Montreal and rich po-boys and pastries in New Orleans has left me bursting at my seams. I am eager to get back to my pre-holiday shape. Though what amazing times I had exploring both parts of the world. Louisiana was a pocket full of diverse and at times gritty culture. I LOVED it! The bayou is unbelievable in its beauty and natural diversity, the plantation mansions fascinating and a place to pick up hitch hiking ghosts I discovered. And New Orleans was so full of history, unique culture–so interesting to explore. Of course, the Gulf of Mexico and Wolf Bay, Alabama were idyllic and relaxing beach vacations.

Unsure if I will teach more than one Zumba this fall. I need to get that settled soon as I need to update my First Aid and CPR if I do (about $300). Teaching ZUmba is so expensive–more of a financial drain than a profit making venture. I pay $30 a month Zumba fees just to stay certified and then all of the safety courses I must pay for out of my own pocket. Also, to be a teacher takes hours and hours each week to rehearse for the hour of dance and add a new song each week. Teaching Zumba for me is not just a fun work out–it means at least 5 hours of my week devoted to prep on top of teaching. This is why I must decide how much I want to teach. I need to devote my career life %100 to writing at this time. This is my passion, my income. Thus I must decide if I want to devote more time and $ to teaching or just do it at other studios as a student to keep fit. Though I love my own choreo–I admit. When ever I dance to song in someone else’s class (to their steps), when I’ve choreographed the same song–I always long to be doing my moves. Mine are more fun and groovin’ (sorry I can’t think of any other way to explain it but groovin’). So this is where I’m at with the Zumba.

Peter has been in Vancouver all week, he returns home to K for one day and then he takes our darlings to Saskatchewan for a week long road trip to visit his family. I will have the time to write 24/7. I am looking forward to diving in to the writing work.

3 Responses

  1. Unknown
    | Reply

    You sound very busy Melissa but enthused and that’s what counts!

  2. Unknown
    | Reply

    You sound very busy Melissa, but enthused and that’s what counts.

  3. Mix Hart
    | Reply

    I find the only thing that really keeps me hopping is family life–keeping up with my 3 gals and the home running smoothly. The “work” stuff seems easy in comparison! 🙂

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