Hell Cave: The Birth Place of Halloween

Oweynagat (Cat Cave) Birth place of Samhain (Halloween) Contae Shligigh (County Sligo), Eire (Ireland) In my quest to unearth the secrets of my ancestors and the ancient Gaelic rainforest peoples, I find myself inexorably drawn to the timeless beauty and mystique … Read More

The Harts of Tara, Ireland

The Harts of Tara, Ireland Rematriate: to restore a people to their rightful place in sacred relationship with their ancestral land and life ways. Tara, where it all started… I am an Irish Canadian. My ancestry is half Irish. My … Read More

Following My Ancient Trackways: Northern Nomads

Following My Ancient Trackways: Northern Nomads This is my quest to connect with the wild scapes that  have shaped who I am and have left traces in my DNA memory. I hope to uncover the ancestral trackways that have lead … Read More