Queen Medb’s Message

Queen Medb’s Message to Me  One of my most cherished experiences in Ireland happened during my visit to County Sligo, a region to which I have ancestral ties. County Sligo holds particular significance in my family history as it served … Read More

Hell Cave: The Birth Place of Halloween

Oweynagat (Cat Cave) Birth place of Samhain (Halloween) Contae Shligigh (County Sligo), Eire (Ireland) In my quest to unearth the secrets of my ancestors and the ancient Gaelic rainforest peoples, I find myself inexorably drawn to the timeless beauty and mystique … Read More

The Harts of Tara, Ireland

The Harts of Tara, Ireland Rematriate: to restore a people to their rightful place in sacred relationship with their ancestral land and life ways. Tara, where it all started… I am an Irish Canadian. My ancestry is half Irish. My … Read More

Ancient Trackways: Rainforest Peoples

Ancient Trackways: Rainforest Peoples This is the third instalment in my journey to trace my ancient trackways. I share my journey as I explore the wild scapes that have shaped who I am and have left traces in my DNA memory. … Read More

Following My Ancient Trackways: Northern Nomads

Following My Ancient Trackways: Northern Nomads This is my quest to connect with the wild scapes that  have shaped who I am and have left traces in my DNA memory. I hope to uncover the ancestral trackways that have lead … Read More

Following Ancient Trackways

Shout Out to Earth’s Wild Childs! …those who feel the call of the wild—a deep connectedness to the natural landscapes that they call home. We literally become a part of these wild scapes—we breath the oxygen provided by the trees, … Read More

The Summer of No Return

  At this very moment, I write this to the endless sound of water bombers soaring overhead, one after another, off to fight a war started by our own forestry industry against the forests of British Columbia. I remain inside, … Read More

“The Universe’s Greatest Disappointment” in “The Goose”

  Mix Hart, 2020 © A poem of mine, The Universe’s Greatest Disappointment, was recently published in The Goose A Journal of Art, the Environment, and Culture in Canada The poem is humourous and looks at a heavy subject with lightness. It … Read More

Walk Toward Wild

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My creative research in digital art & humanities at the University of British Columbia looks at the human-wolf symbiotic connection throughout history, as a mirror for modern humanity’s disconnection from nature. I examine the anti-wolf origins of the Western world. … Read More

Last Cedar Standing

posted in: Creative Research 0

Last Cedar Standing Creative Research in British Columbia’s Southern Interior Rainforest   This is a short video I made as a class assignment this last fall. It’s an overview of my creative research at the University of British Columbia. I … Read More

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