Girl Gone Zen

posted in: Mindfulness 0
Pip practicing meditation techniques.
Playing a cooperation game at Club Zen. I look like a teeny tiny person in this picture. I’m not really–it’s the angle of the camera.
Pebble meditation.

Children as young as age six  practice and use meditation techniques–on their own–to deal with everyday life situations.

At a recent parent teacher interview, I was taken by surprise (and thrilled) that Pip’s grade one teacher said Pip is very mature when she makes class presentations.

Pip’s teacher said that she was astounded when Pip stood at the front of the class,paused and took several big, slow breaths in and out before beginning to talk–in true Pip form, she even exaggerated the puffing in out out of her cheeks (I can imagine how adorable she must have looked).

The teacher thought it seemed like such a mature thing to do–to calm one’s nerves when speaking in public. She asked Pip what she was doing. Pip said, “meditating.”
I guess Club Zen really works even on little six year olds!

It has made me so happy to know that my classes have not been in vain. I knew they had not been in vain on an ‘in-the-moment’ level: I could tell how much the kids enjoyed being there and doing the activities.

However, to know that my daughter took what she practiced in class and used it on her own, in her real world, to cope with life’s demands–it blows me away.

I realize that I must continue working with my girls on a personal/family level–practicing meditation techniques.

Voilà! Pip is proof that kids don’t just get meditation, they use it and it works.

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