Dream A Little Dream…

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Dream A Little Dream…

Dreams have helped shape my waking creativity. I often take bits and pieces from my dreams and add them to my stories. Dreaming is true phenomenological immersion—one’s brain is activated and engaged when dreaming and one responds in the dream as though it is reality. I’ll often wake from a dream and it will haunt me all day long, just as a good novel might after finishing it.

I’ve had lucid dreams: dreams where I know that I am dreaming and try to direct myself to go places and do things to prove to myself that indeed my mind did travel about without my body. This is an ongoing work in progress for me as it takes a very unique dream state to reach this frame of mind and it doesn’t happen often.

I hope you enjoy the above quote by Emily Bronte. The picture was taken in Pololu Valley, Hawaii this past February.

Here’s to dreaming a little dream…

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