I Joined The Stand Up Desk Revolution For $50

posted in: Fitness 4

 I Joined the Stand Up Desk Revolution For $50

Me in my downstairs “office.” I don’t always dress this fine for work but I am a Canadian after all and the toque is a part of our uniform.

The research out there makes me terrified at the thought of sitting at a desk all day to write. Sitting is now the new smoking. Since I’ve switched from real oil painting to digital oil painting, I’ve been sitting more than ever. I suppose it’s like I’ve been smoking a pack a day. I fear the monster of a lard a$$ that might emerge if I continue this life style.

I’m a workout junkie—I get 2 hours of hardcore exercise each day; yet, apparently it’s not enough to counter act the negative effects of desk sitting for 6 hours a day.

I’ve been looking for a stand up desk for a few years, browsing online but I always come away empty-handed as the ones that seem ideal for my work are thousands of dollars. I tried dancing to one Zumba song each hour and then I tried stopping for a hardcore 5 minute spin on my spin bike each hour; but setting a timer and jumping up to exercise was distracting—often I was deep in creating when it was time to dance or spin. I decided it was time to find a stand up desk before I sat myself into oblivion.

After a little more research, I found the perfect “desk” to fit my writer’s budget: a fifty dollar, vented, adjustable, laptop stand. I am able to adjust the height so I can work at my tall kitchen counter and then make it even higher for when I work at my office desk and paint. It fits my Mac Book and also my Wacom digital art tablet.

I often feel the urge to write upstairs in the hustle and bustle of my house. We have so many windows up stairs—I love the light, warmth and openness of the workspace. I’m usually very good at focusing and shutting out all back ground distractions. If I tell my family not to ask me anything, I can work away happily amongst the busy house chaos. I like to write upstairs in the mornings and then paint downstairs in my office in the afternoons.

I discovered one glitch when I stand up to paint: my digital painting tablet is tall enough but my second monitor is not. I solved the problem economically by stacking large file boxes underneath the monitor stand. I can stand up to paint again! I also found my own “anti fatigue” floor matt on sale at Superstore. I bought two foam matts to ensure lots of comfort for my bare feet.

Working in the kitchen amongst the daily chaos. Still in the toque–I wear it on my early spring morning runs. I retired it for the season a week ago. It’s already too warm to wear it in the Okanagan.

The first few days were a little uncomfortable but my legs adjusted within a week and now I love to stand! I work to music, so my feet are most often shuffling about in some sort of standing desk dance. I also like to heave my legs onto the counter top to stretch periodically (a benefit of not working in a crowded office).

I’ll never go back to sitting. It is so much more liberating to stand and work. I feel free to dance a little as I work. I take breaks occasionally but now my breaks are to sit rather than the other way around.

For those of you waiting for the perfect desk to take the plunge. It’s not worth waiting. Your desk doesn’t have to look fancy. Purchase an adjustable laptop stand and free yourself of the sitting habit for life.

4 Responses

  1. Mark Cenicola
    | Reply

    I built one myself two years ago. Certainly much less expensive than what they want for brand new ones.
    My story with photos is here:

  2. Mix Hart
    | Reply

    Hi Mark. I like your desk idea. I also think it’s great that you noticed a positive change in how much more energetic you feel standing up.

    • Mark Cenicola
      | Reply

      I do find myself having to sit from time to time to rest my feet even with using one of those standing pads. Other employees have tried it and didn’t like standing. They found it was too difficult to concentrate while standing.

      • Mix Hart
        | Reply

        I’ve heard the same thing about some people finding it too hard to concentrate standing. I believe they give up too soon. The brain can adjust to anything new if given a little time.

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