Life’s a Beach

posted in: Motherhood, Uncategorized 0

Our supper at the beach tonight and then home again…a typical nude pip, who never leaves the beach with her clothes on.
A beautiful giant orange glowing ball in the sky tonight–the harvest moon.
My lungs are acting up because there is so much smoke in the air from the American forest fires.
A tremendously busy day today. I need a break from the constant play dates. My big girls manage to have at least one friend over every single day. It gets a bit exhausting.
Met some women at “Mom and Tot” school that work for Club Penguin. My girls and I have been fans since Club penguin first began, so it was very interesting. It is such a great site that gets kids interacting globally.
Uni tomorrow. Leaving the fam to fend for themselves all day is a little frightening. PJ has to take Mist shopping for a B’Day present for her friend and take Tabs to her soccer game and keep the Pip fed, clean and happy. I am a bit panicked as we have zero food in the house –who knows what they’ll eat tomorrow and if they’ll have their teeth and hair brushed at all. Oh well, just let them all have fun, I guess.
Bad experience with some neighbors and their dog. First it lunged across the street towards Pip in the stroller, then it showed up at the park and stole Pip’s shoe, ran off for twenty minutes with it and then left it mangled and all they could manage was a feeble “sorry…” Why do people refuse to take their dogs to Puppy school? The dog is completely untrained and never on a leash. All I can say is they have not treated my children nor I with the basic human respect that we deserve.

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