
posted in: Motherhood, Uncategorized 3

Penelope in her “Snowhite” dress with Fernando.
Today is a pro-D day so all my girls are at home with me. I have them currently cleaning their rooms and the family room. I will head out on a run and do some abs at home. Then we are off for coffee and a quick trip to The Gap to return some jeans I bought Mist and she did not like–she only likes tight “cigarette” legs.
I am going to start researching my paper in the afternoon and then we will all go skating tonight. There you have it–a day in plans.
I’ve had a difficult few months–unable to Zen my head around my current life style. I am working on it though. Managed a long focused meditation on the topic and came to a better place. I think I definitely need nightly medications to keep my brain on board and focused. So much going on in my life at the moment. And I find Mistaya’s new junior high life style is soooo busy
that I find I am taxing her all over the place every day and can barely keep up with her activities. She has actually missed several dance classes due to Basketball games overload. There is a talk today-alas I am too busy to attend, but it on the SLOW childhood movement. I’d like to attend, even though, I have always been on board with that idea. I do try to limit my kids extra activities. However, the MIst loves to be involved at school: basketball, social justice club, school drama production, band. She is considering field hockey once basketball is over. I, of course, ALWAYS so wanted to play field hockey so a part of me would love to see her do it. Tabs has ballet and piano. Pip daycare. I am actually debating whether to put Pip in preschool next year. Perhaps daycare is enough? I just don’t know? Preschool would be more educational–group dynamic. Tabs will start soccer in April and she is insisting on baseball. Also summers they swim and take a week of horseback riding. What to cut?
I am starting a hot yoga class and a spin class too–but they are in the early morning.
Decided to start my new painting project this spring–forest painting–something I have always wanted to do but focused on portraits instead. Sometimes one’s internal voice says–stay with what you know, stay with what you are practised in. Lately though, it is saying no to that voice, and it has been abandoning what is familiar, that has led me to some most interesting places in my life. So I am forging ahead, ignoring the voice that says stay with your area of focus. I am switching that focus toward what swirls behind my consciousness. The ideas that are brewing, bubbling up, waiting for me to sip. IE my thesis focus, hot yoga, painting deep forests,even my new blog focus.
Today is a day to get my mind back on board. Focused and directed.

3 Responses

  1. theresa_hart
    | Reply

    Take a break, read your blog again and tell me in all honesty – how could anyone do all those activities that your 2 big girls do? It is mind boggling.
    The Pipster is as darling as ever but man that Doe-Doe is a chub muffin. Would he eat til he explodes? Joop thinks that Archie would. And let David Byrne be your inspiration- talk about an artist that flows where his interest flows. You should read his blog it is quite amusing for showcasing all of his interest.

  2. Cliffer
    | Reply

    Moms right, That little fernando is a complete chub muffin. His little sis looks almost paper thin compared to him. but my god him and pip are two of the cutest things Ive seen.

  3. Sandra
    | Reply

    I’m really glad to see that you are cracking the whip and getting the girls to help you get the house in shape. Now if only they will continue by putting their things away after use.

    Pip looks darling in her dress.

    I think you should limit the girls’ activities to two each, otherwise you’ll spend all your time in the van.

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