It’s a Wonderful Life

posted in: Motherhood, Uncategorized 1

Bouchons was fantastique! The Summerhill organic sipes and peach nectar made a delectable kir. Yes, I was in Paris for the night. But the hike afterward was even more fantastique. The air was crisp as the sun was setting. Peter and I changed out of our evening attire into hiking gear. Mine was most unsightly as I didn’t expect to run into anyone on the trail: acid yellow socks, hiking sandals, pink culottes and a red hoodie over a blue t-shirt. I’d forgotten the hoodie and slipped back inside to be greeted by these two creatures: The babysitters–Mist and Nicole–had plans to surprise their charges with those crazy get-ups as soon as they’d thought we’d left.
WE hiked down to the bottom of the mountain, along the lake shore and then up Paul’s tomb. The sky was lit with a stunning half moon. We were alone hiking up from Paul’s tomb and the smell of the air, the quiet, massive lake and eerie cliffs made the night unforgettable. Home in time to find our girls (5 including 2 friends) running in the back yard in the dark playing cops and robbers.
Was physically exhausted from the climb up the mountain and satisfyingly full of french cuisine. I fell asleep to the beautiful sound of coyotes yipping back and forth across the mountains. All was well until a neighborhood hound joined the calls and then suddenly the sound was just not as pleasurable. Why is it that coyotes sound beautiful and dogs annoying? PS– a storm with 100km an hour winds blew through Kelowna yesterday taking many trees down. It was quite thrilling to witness.

  1. Sandra
    | Reply

    Saw on the news that out of all the boats at the marina in Kelowna only 4 were not damaged. Quite the storm, I’m glad it missed us.

    I don’t know where you get the energy to hike after a big meal!

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